Bachelor of Music Education

Bachelor of Music Education (B.M.E.) degree provides professional training for students pursuing a career as a public or private school teacher of choral, band, orchestral, or elementary general music. B.M.E. majors not only complete a dynamic professional degree in music, but also earn K-12 teacher education certification for music. You work with first level educators in the Tift College of Education in completing your core education courses, and work with first level music educators in Townsend School of Music in completing your music education courses. Your undergraduate experience culminates in a semester of student teaching in your senior year. You will partner with a public or private school music teacher/supervisor and a member of the Music Education Faculty whom you already know and with whom you have worked in classes earlier during your student teacher experience. This allows the student teaching time to be one of continued growth and development, and helps you develop professional relationships with professionals in your field of study.
Competencies in areas of musicianship are covered in music academic and applied classes within Townsend School of Music. Required supportive courses in music consist of sequences in music theory, musicianship and music history. Other supportive courses include form and analysis, orchestration and basic conducting. Music education students are encouraged to practice teach through various school programs throughout Central Georgia.
Individual performance skills are nurtured in weekly private lessons, weekly studio classes, weekly concert practice, departmental recitals, semester-end juried examinations and senior projects. Students are required to participate in at least one ensemble per semester. Large and small ensemble experiences are available in each applied music area.
The Bachelor of Music Education degree at Mercer is accredited by both the National Association of Schools of Music and the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education and approved by the Georgia Professional Standards Commission.
For more information please contact Dr. Brittan Braddock at (478) 301-2752 or