Faculty and Staff Music Administration Dr. Gary Gerber AdministrationDean | Professor of Music gerber_gg@mercer.edu (478) 301-5639 Dr. Stanley Roberts Conducting Associate Dean | Arthur Lowndes Rich Professor of Choral Conducting | Professor of Music roberts_sl@mercer.edu (478) 301-2751 Dr. Richard Kosowski Vocal Studies | Opera and Oratorio | Voice ScienceDirector of Graduate Studies | Chair, Vocal Studies | Professor of Music kosowski_rg@mercer.edu (478) 301-4167 Dr. Nathan Myrick Church MusicDirector of Undergraduate Studies | Assistant Professor of Church Music myrick_nw@mercer.edu (478) 301-4012 Amy Schwartz Moretti Violin | Chamber MusicDirector of the McDuffie Center for Strings | Caroline Paul King Chair in Strings | Professor of Music moretti_as@mercer.edu (478) 301-2886 Lisa Sturgis Executive Assistant to the Dean sturgis_l@mercer.edu (478) 301-5751 Annie Stephens Office Assistant (part-time) stephens_al@mercer.edu (478) 301-2748 Patty Crowe Operations Manager, McDuffie Center for Strings crowe_pa@mercer.edu (478) 301-2886 Faculty Dr. Ian Altman PianoAssociate Professor altman_ih@mercer.edu (478) 301-2510 Dr. Brittan Braddock Conducting | Wind Band Repertoire and Pedagogy | Music Education Director of Bands | Coordinator of Music Education | Assistant Professor of Music braddock_ba@mercer.edu (478) 301-2752 Terry Cantwell GuitarInstructor cantwell_tj@mercer.edu Dr. Monty Cole Clarinet | Saxophone | Jazz Studies | MusicianshipChair, Instrumental Studies | Professor of Music cole_mc@mercer.edu (478) 301-4134 Trey English TromboneInstructor english_js@mercer.edu Rob Evans Music TechnologyInstructor evans_re@mercer.edu Dr. Nathan Gay Tuba | EuphoniumDirector of Athletic Bands | Professor of Music gay_nd@mercer.edu (478) 301-2727 Adrian Gnam Oboe | Bassoon | Orchestral ConductingDistinguished Artist-in-Residence gnam_a@mercer.edu Valencio Jackson Music TheoryInstructor jackson_v@mercer.edu Janet Jarriel Music BusinessInstructor jarriel_je@mercer.edu Calista Koch HarpInstructor koch_ca@mercer.edu Dr. Martha Malone Voice Director of Mercer University Opera | Professor of Music malone_m@mercer.edu (478) 301-4015 Dr. Timothy McReynolds Collaborative Piano, Vocal emphasisHelen Wall Rich Associate Professor of Collaborative Piano mcreynolds_rt@mercer.edu (478) 301-4133 Dr. Jack Mitchener Organ, HarpsichordDirector of Townsend-McAfee Institute of Church Music | Chair, Keyboard Studies | Professor of Organ, Harpsichord mitchener_je@mercer.edu (478) 301-2750 Gail Pollock AccompanistInstructor pollock_gl@mercer.edu Dr. Marcus Reddick Percussion Director of Percussion Studies | Associate Professor of Music reddick_md@mercer.edu (478) 301-2775 Dr. Katie Rios Music History Associate Professor of Music History rios_kj@mercer.edu (478) 301-5518 Marie Roberts VoiceInstructor roberts_mj@mercer.edu Dr. Christopher Schmitz Music Theory and CompositionProfessor of Music Theory, Composition schmitz_ca@mercer.edu (478) 301-2132 Anna Schmitz HornInstructor schmitz_am@mercer.edu Rachael Smith String MethodsInstructor smith_ra@mercer.edu Kelly Via Flute, Piccolo, Flute ChoirSenior Lecturer via_k@mercer.edu Sherry Weeks Elementary Music MethodsInstructor weeks_sl@mercer.edu Dr. Kyung-A Yoo PianoG. Leslie Fabian Chair of Music, Associate Professor of Collaborative Piano yoo_k@mercer.edu (478) 301-2749 McDuffie Center for Strings Distinguished Artists Robert McDuffie ViolinFounder, Robert McDuffie Center for Strings | Distinguished University Professor of Music Rebecca Albers ViolaDistinguished Artist | Principal Violist, Minnesota Orchestra albers_r@mercer.edu 646-281-5460 Victoria Chiang ViolaDistinguished Artist | Concert violist Lawrence Dutton ViolaDistinguished Artist | Violist, The Emerson String Quartet Annie Fullard Chamber CoachDistinguished Artist | Charles and Mary Jean Yates Chamber Music Chair | Cavani String Quartet fullard_al@mercer.edu Sihao He CelloDistinguished Artist | Galvin Cello Quartet Hans Jørgen Jensen CelloDistinguished Artist | Renowned Pedagogue David Kim ViolinDistinguished Artist | Concertmaster, The Philadelphia Orchestra Daniel Tosky Double BassDistinguished Artist | Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Jeff Turner Double BassDistinguished Artist | Conductor of Macon-Mercer Symphony Orchestra Accompanists Cynthia Smith AccompanistInstructor smith_cw@mercer.edu